DPI will purchase and issue the defensive spray to security officers upon request from the Branch Manager and the approval by the President of the Security Division. The only defensive spray authorized to be carried is that spray that has been purchased by DPI Security Division and issued by DPI Security Division.

Defensive sprays may only be used when the officer believes that a subject presents the danger of serious physical injury (see: Use of Force Section) to the officer.


Before using, employees should ensure they are are upwind, to avoid exposure.

The best results for discharge are a back-and-forth motion from side to side in the direction of the subject.

The proper use recommended by the manufacturer is short ½ to one second burst of spray to the face area of the subject until they cease their assault attempt.

Please Note:

  • Immediately after using defensive spray on a subject, the employee must call 911 for assistance from local law enforcement.

  • Officers are required to carry water to assist in washing the eye area of all that may have been exposed to the spray.

  • Officers are required to type an Incident Report on the DPI Incident Report Template prior to going off duty at the end of their shift.

Violations of this policy may result in immediate termination.

@2022 The DPI Group. Revision Dates: 09/12/2022 - The policies do not form a contract, express or implied, nor do they guarantee employment for any specific length of time. Employment with The DPI Group or any subsidiary is at-will. This means that either the employee or employer can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason. No statements made by any supervisor or manager can alter this at-will relationship. The at-will relationship can only be changed through a signed written agreement that specifically sets forth the terms between the employee and the President/Chief Executive Officer of the Company.